Hi All,
Well as many of you know my new CD Neo Soul Rhymes Volume 1 is done and doing well! V also just completed a book that is gaining great notoriety "Let Freedom Sing" and is available in stores now. Our 8 City Tour launches this month on the 19th! Red Hippo Box is handling the promotion and the tour. I will keep you posted on dates and locations. For the month of September V and I will be doing the following:

BROWNSTONE BOOKS: Let Freedom Sing Book Signing
Brownstone Books, 409 Lewis Avenue, Brooklyn, NY Saturday, September 19, 2009 at 1:00 pm-3:00 pm www.brownstonebooks.com/718.953.7328

Whole Food's Block Party, Springfield Avenue, Milburn, NJ Saturday, September 11:00 am - 3:00 pm www.wholefood.com/stores/milburn/908.688.1455
AUNT JEAN'S TOY STORE: Neo Soul Rhymes Vol. 1
Aunt Jean's Block Party, 12 North Willow Street, Montclair, NJ Sunday, September 27, 2009 11:00 am - 4:00 pm www.auntjeanstoys.com/973.783.6100
Be sure and tell all your friends and family to come out and say hello and enjoy the events!
We look forward to seeing your face in the place!
2Geechee Girls!
Just love the art design on the header here each time I have popped in to visit it impresses me!!! Did one of you create it??? Soo fun!!! Merry CHRISTmas and New Years Blessings too. You're very gifted from God..Hugs Dena
Me ha encantado tu blog me parece original y nada repetitivo los dibujos son fantasticos y no he podido resistir la tentación de hacerme seguidora yo te invito a entrar en mi blog sin compromiso se llama: Los Cuentos de Nati-
hasta pronto por mi parte y deseandote Feliz 2010, para tí y los tuyos besos-
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